Dear applicant, thank you for your interest in employment with RBA Group of Companies. We ask that you please complete and submit all requested information on the application questionnaire form bellow. A completed form must be received to be further considered.

Personal data you provide will be solely used for evaluation of your application and will not be sold, rented, leased or forwarded to any third party.

Good luck!
HR department

Personal information

Name *
Other name if any
Surname by latin characters
Date of birth *
Place of birth
Marital Status / Number of Children, if any
Nationality *
Ближайшая станция метро к фактическому месту проживания
Time on the way to work

Salary expectation

Desired salary at the start *
Desired salary after 6-12 monthes *
Desired salary after 3-5 years *

Education and Training

Commencement Date
Graduated   Till now
Name of Institution (full name)
This education is radiotechnical   Yes
Course of Study
Type of Degree
Courses, training, additional education, computer skills

Empoyment History

To  Till now
Employer Name
Nature of the business
Number of employees
Phone number
Ending Salary
Job Duties
Reason for leaving

Can you work overtime and under pressure? Yes No

What do you most prefer? Work independently As a part of team

Who do you feel most? Leader Executor

PC skills (professional software you use and your user level) *

Knowledge of foreign languages


Additional information

Откуда Вы узнали о вакансии?
Do you have a relative or friends in the company? Yes, i have a relative/friends in the company.
Why you are interested in our company to work for?
What are your strengths? Please specify.
What are your weaknesses, if any? Please specify.
Why do you think you are better than other candidates? *
Если Вы уже получали другие предложения о работе, что Вас в них не устраивало?
Что, помимо заработной платы, для Вас важно в будущей работе? *
Как Вы себе представляете свой карьерный рост?
Which shift is more convenient for you to work?
Can you work overtime if required? Can you travel if required?
Date available for work?
Необходимо ли нам, как потенциальному работодателю организовать для Вас специальные условия труда, в связи с ограничениями по здоровью Yes No
Additional information about yourself that you wish to report
Опыт ведения бизнеса (в чем он состоит/состоял?) *
Ваши увлечения
E-mail / Skype
Phone number *
Please, attach the file with yor summary (no larger than 500Kb) *

Достоверность предоставленной мною информации подтверждаю. Я осознаю, что выявленные в ходе проверки указанные мною ложные сведения могут стать причиной отказа в приеме на работу.

I certify that all answers given by me are true, accurate and complete. I understand that the falsification, misrepresentation or omission of fact on this application (or any other accompanying or required documents) will be cause for denial of employment or immediate termination of employment, regardless of when or how discovered.